Thursday, May 24, 2012

A fun little post for all the Saulibert fans out there


I don't usually do this but, really, I couldn't resist.  You see, someone linked me to a blog about "The Real Deal" and it was just too good to pass up.  In case you are unfamiliar with it, here is the link

The author points out some pretty damning facts.

Issue #1

"he still FAILED to publicly congratulate his “BF” and ALL of the hard, soul searching work he’s put into creating this AMAZING album"  
"he" being Sauli naturally.  This is a valid point because we all know that the only communication between people in "real" relationships is Twitter, or your blog.  Honestly, do you know of any couple that talk on the phone, or send texts messages?  Yeah, neither do I.
Issue #2
"Should I start with how Tommy has been there for Adam every step of the way, continuing to love and support him privately, publicly, and emotionally?"
It is fascinating to me how the author can know that Tommy supports him privately.  I'm assuming she/he has access to some secret wire recordings Tommy wears when he's around Adam.
Issue #3 - get ready --- it's a biggie.  I'm not sure it can be refuted but I will give it a try.

"I shouldn’t have to explain what has been clear since day one, but it’s no mystery as to why Adam refuses to: hold Sauli’s hand (unless you count the 2 obligatory moments. I saw those…NOT impressed or convinced), walk side by side with him, stare at him when he’s not looking (has never happened), shower him with compliments (which he willingly GIVES to Tommy), and hasn’t even come close to showing any real affection towards him in public (Adam sure doesn’t have that problem with Tommy…js)
Let's address these in order, shall we

  • Hand holding..... 

Exhibit 1
Adam was forced to hold hands with Sauli (after a private night out) because he knew the paps were going to be there waiting for it

      See exhibit 1 notes 

Come's red carpet.  Poor Adam had no choice in the matter.  You only need to look at his face to see how upset he is. 

Another obvious "public" appearance at Burning Man.  Poor Adam. 

None of the following count because they aren't holding hands........

This one definitely doesn't count..... 

  •   "stare at him when he’s not looking (has never happened)"      
  This is what "never" looks like....

  • According to the author, Adam's never showered Sauli with compliments.

I guess saying it's possible that saying Sauli's inspired him isn't a compliment.   Maybe she means a physical compliment?  Hmmmm   What about this interview where Adam calls him hot?  I think that counts as a compliment, don't you?  Or maybe, I don't understand the definition of "showered"

  • "hasn’t even come close to showing any real affection towards him in public" 
See all the above - or hell, go through this blog. There's plenty of evidence to the contrary 

Issue #4

  •   "I NEVER seem to read about the respect he  has for his “bf” or anything having to do with SUPPORTING him."   (again he is Sauli)
        She / he obviously does not read Sauli's blog.  ;)

This is just the first half of her thoughts.  Gosh, I'm exhausted.  Do you think the author ever took debate in school?  





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